Barnali Baro – Little Known Facts About Welknown Model

My Journey

I am Barnali Baro; belong to Guwahati, Assam and lives in Mumbai. The world of fashion, glamour, dancing, acting etc and Stage has always fascinated me since my teen age. I always wanted to be an Air Hostess or to do something in the world of fashion, modeling. I have been a Home Maker for last 11 years, a proud mother of two kids and a loving husband. In the recent years, I have been mostly occupied in thinking to do very something for me as well, to do what I like and to be self-reliant/independent and to have own identity.

When we shifted to Mumbai and through my Husband’s peers I met a beautiful lady who also belongs to Guwahati, Assam, was a Home maker and now she is making her own name, career in the field of Modeling. She’s been inspiration to me and encouraged me, motivated to me to do what I wish for. Incidentally, with a grace of God I got an opportunity to participate in the Star India SD Universe Beauty Pageant in Mumbai. Being a woman from a conservative family, I was hesitant initially but my Husband supported & encouraged me and my Son also motivated me to participate. I went on to do this event leaving my Kids behind and focusing hard to do good ramp walk, dance by practicing at Home with the help of Internet as time was short for the event and not having prior experience.

  1. I was overwhelmed and could not believe the moment when I was announced as winner of Mrs SD Queen Universe at the SD Universe Beauty Pageant held on 26th Aug’2022 in Mumbai. This is my first beauty pageant winner title and it was not less than a miracle that I won on my first attempt.
  2. Subsequently, I got a chance to participate in the another event and won as 1st runner up under Mrs Category in BEBOLD WOMEN Fashion Fever & Iconic Awards Season-3 held on 12th Nov’2022 in Mumbai. This win is also special for me as there was two days of exhaustive photo shoot and training. Moreover, on the 3rd & final day of the event, I fall sick with cold & sore throat and weakness, but I endured it and did the event with all my will power & self believe.
  3. Thereafter, there is no looking back and I immediately grabbed the opportunity of participating in Asia Worldwide Pageant 2023 held at Bali, Indonesia on 14th Jan’2023. And I won the title of Mrs Asia Worldwide Universe 2023, which is another important feather in my cap of modeling career.
  4. These events/pageants gave me new friends, contacts and from nowhere I became part of the FACE OF PANACHE RUNWAY SEASON-6 2023, a flagship fashion contest by Mr Vishal Kapoor. I read a lot about PANACHE RUNWAY and it was a proud moment for me to be part of such mega event & associated with Brand of such stature. Contesting in this event was not easy and after series of selection processes I was one of the finalists. In the Grand Finale held on 29th Jan’2023 at Sahara Star Mumbai, I won INTERNATIONAL WINNER & Mrs. MAGNIFICENT as Face of Panache Runway Season-6 2023. Under the guidance of Founder & Director Vishal Kapoor VK, the event was concluded at grand level in the presence of prominent figures from Bollywood and the fashion industry.

I would like express my heartfelt gratitude for whatever I have achieved through PANACHE RUNWAY Mr Vishal Kapoor VK (Founder & Director) and special mentions to  Swati Lanke (Maharashtra Zonal Head), Official Crown Partner : PRESHA CREATION, Dolly Gadre (Official Pageant Coach & Choreographer) & Saima (Hair & Make-up Team / Colours Makeover & Sparkle).

It is understood that the Face of Panache Runway has emerged as a brilliant platform for those eyeing a career in the fashion and glamour world and is a stepping stone for those who want to build a career in modeling and are very much keen to enter the glam world irrespective of their background. The platform not only grooms the contestants but also prepare them from scratch to face the camera with a lot of confidence.  Each year best faces are handpicked and then the winners, runners-up are offered to serve as brand ambassadors, providing them with a platform to secure projects, media coverage, and brand endorsements.

I must be thankful to all the people, friends who helped me in many ways and through whom I could get such opportunity. Last but not the least, from bottom of my heart I am heartfelt thankful to my family who supported & motivated me especially by 10 years old Son.

I like dancing, travelling and meeting people which helps in learning new things, new experiences of life & teaches life skills.

That’s my journey of Modeling world from my first show till today and wish to achieve many more in future in the fashion & glamour world and hope to contribute on women empowerment by inspiring more women in the socity.

General message for all women: Follow the dream, don’t give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on you. Love what you do and do what you love. Trust yourself that you can do it and get it. You should never let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right.

Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength. Women are the real architects of society.


Barnali Baro –  Little Known Facts About Welknown Model

The Vyom International Group Art Exhibition – Feb 21 to 27 – 2023

Organized by First Wish Art Gallery at Nehru Centre Art Gallery – Mumbai, India

The Vyom is our 2nd International Exhibition from ambitious project that has been started from Tbilisi, Georgia Jan 22nd 2023 – “Mission World Tour Exhibition: 30 Countries & 30 Exhibitions!

It is an initiative that has been taken to encourage and support all artists.

Represented Art Works from Georgia, Greece, Japan, UAE and India and well curated by Ms. Vanashri Ransubhe (Coordinator in UAE & India at First Wish Art Gallery).

She has been an asset to the gallery and playing very important key role in the expansion of the business.

The Opening:

The opening was done by the Chief Guest Mr.Shriram Dandekar – Vice Chairman and Executive Director, Kokuyo Camlin Ltd.

And also in the presence of our special guests Mr.Vishwanath Sable, Dean of J J School of Art, Mumbai,

Mr. Ahmed Al Awadhi is an Emirati Artist & Businessman popularly known as Rukni Art,

Mr. Kaisar Dopaishi, Principal of Singapore International School and President of South Asia IB School Association,

Dr. Jayesh Dakre – Scientist and Smart future counsellor,

Mr. Dipesh Pakdhare – NSDC Central Govt. Skill India Partner for pan INDIA,

Mr. Nitin Jadia – Art Lover & Collector.

We, First Wish Art Gallery team wholeheartedly thankful to the all guests for accepting our invitation and taking out their valuable time to attend the opening ceremony of “THE VYOM INTERNATIONAL GROUP ART EXHIBITION” and making it more memorable.

We also thankful to our all participants & visitors for their kind supports.

About The Gallery

The Journey:

First Wish Art Gallery LLC is based in Georgia & Operating from UAE. Founded in Nov, 2020 by Mr.Irshad Husain (Business).

The Co-Owner/Director of the gallery is Ms. Mariami Simashvili from Georgia. She is an Artist by passion and a Pediatric Doctor by profession.

Current Project: Mission World Tour Exhibition: 30 Countries & 30 Exhibitions

Any artist from anywhere can join us and explore in a different way. The Perfect blend of Art + Travel and unforgettable memories!!

Upcoming Exhibitions in 2023 – Japan, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Italy & Turkey.

Please check our web link for registration & updated details: 

Contact us for future collaborations and exhibitions:

Georgia +995 598 94 34 00 || UAE +971 52 778 6166




The Vyom International Group Art Exhibition – Feb 21 to 27, 2023

Actress Mrinmai Kolwalkar Joins The Judging Panel For Pune’s Most Awaited Fashion Event Style Icon 2023 Grand Finale Season 8

Actress Mrinmai Kolwalkar joins the judging panel for Pune’s most awaited fashion event Style Icon 2023 Grand Finale Season 8 alongside actress Minissha Lamba & actor Karan Mehra .The Show Director Sandeep Dharma & Phoenix marke tcity Pune put together an excellent show.


Actress Mrinmai Kolwalkar Joins The Judging Panel For Pune’s Most Awaited Fashion Event Style Icon 2023 Grand Finale Season 8

सिनेबस्टर के रॉनी रोड्रिग्स प्रस्तुत एनएमआइएमएस के यूथ उत्सव “सत्त्वा २०२३” के समापन समारोह में विशिष्ट अतिथि निशा वर्मा, तारिक बरय, फाजिल कुरैशी, आरती नागपाल, पंकज बेरी, मिनी बंसल और बॉबी वत्स हुए शामिल

सिनेबस्टर मैगज़ीन प्रेजेंट्स एनएमआईएमएस  (एमपीएसटीएमई) के यूथ फेस्टीवल “सत्त्वा 2023” के समापन समारोह में विशिष्ट अतिथि के रूप मे निशा वर्मा, तारिक बरय, फाजिल कुरैशी, अदाकारा आरती नागपाल, ऎक्टर पंकज बेरी, अभिनेत्री मिनी बंसल और बॉबी वत्स उपस्थित रहे। सभी खास अतिथियों ने यहां स्टूडेंट्स का हौसला बढ़ाया।

सिनेबस्टर मैगज़ीन प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के ओनर रॉनी रोड्रिग्स एनएमआईएमएस (मुकेश पटेल स्कूल ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी एंड मैनेजमेंट इंजीनियरिंग) के यूथ फेस्टिवल सत्त्वा २०२३ के मुख्य स्पॉन्सर थे। आरती नागपाल ने यहां मीडिया से बात करते हुए कहा कि रॉनी जी ने इतने खूबसूरत यूथ फेस्टिवल को सपोर्ट किया है। ऐसे फेस्टिवल आज के जमाने की जरूरत हैं।

स्टूडेंट्स ने यहाँ अपने टैलेंट को दुनिया के सामने रखा है। यहाँ बच्चों की प्रतिभा देखकर मैं हैरान हूँ।

विशिष्ट अतिथि निशा वर्मा ने भी यहां रॉनी रॉड्रिग्स द्वारा इस पहल की भूरी भूरी प्रशंसा की। तारिक बरय और फाजिल कुरैशी ने बताया कि कॉलेज के इस यूथ फेस्टिवल को कोरोना काल के बाद कोई स्पांसर करने वाला नहीं मिल रहा था ऐसे में गोल्डन हार्ट रखने वाले रॉनी रॉड्रिग्स सामने आए और उन्होंने युवाओं के लिए यह कदम उठाया। तीन दिनों का यह यूथ महाउत्सव बेहद सफल रहा।

अभिनेता पंकज बेरी ने बताया कि मैं आज यहां युवाओं के बीच आकर सौभाग्यशाली महसूस कर रहा हूँ। इस तरह के कार्यक्रम के आयोजन में रॉनी जी और सिनेबस्टर मैगज़ीन की पूरी टीम ने जितनी मेहनत की है वह तारीफ के काबिल है।इस तरह के यूथ फेस्टिवल के आयोजन से छात्रों में नए हौसले का संचार होता है।

मिनी बंसल ने कहा कि इस फेस्टिवल में मौजूद होना मेरे लिए सौभाग्य की बात है। रॉनी रॉड्रिग्स जो भी करते हैं वह बड़े पैमाने पर करते हैं, वह बड़ा दिल रखते हैं, उन्होंने इस पूरे फेस्टिवल के आयोजन में काफी सहयोग किया है, जो प्रशंसिय है।

बॉबी वत्स ने कहा कि सत्त्वा फेस्टिवल 2023 में आकर मुझे अपने कॉलेज के जमाने याद आ गए। यहां स्टूडेंट्स की प्रतिभा देखकर दिल को खुशी मिली। मैं रॉनी रॉड्रिग्स जी का शुक्रिया अदा करता हूँ कि इस शानदार आयोजन में उनका भरपूर सहयोग रहा और मुझे उन्होंने यहां इनवाइट किया।

बता दें कि सिनेबस्टर मैगज़ीन ने विजेता कॉलेज टीम को एक विशेष उपहार के रूप में ३ रातों और ४ दिनों के लिए एक लक्जरी ५ स्टार होटल में रहने का इंतेजाम किया है, साथ ही ठहरने के दौरान उनके भोजन खर्च का भुगतान भी किया और मुंबई-गोवा-मुंबई के फ्लाइट टिकट का प्रबंध भी किया है। यह रॉनी रोड्रिग्स की ओर से विशेष उपहार रहा।

इस सत्त्वा 2023 के मीडिया प्रमोशन्स की जिम्मेदारी मुंडे मीडिया पीआर द्वारा बखूबी निभाई गई।

——छायाकार : रमाकांत मुंडे मुंबई


सिनेबस्टर के रॉनी रोड्रिग्स प्रस्तुत एनएमआइएमएस के यूथ उत्सव “सत्त्वा  २०२३” के समापन समारोह में विशिष्ट अतिथि निशा वर्मा, तारिक बरय, फाजिल कुरैशी, आरती नागपाल, पंकज बेरी, मिनी बंसल और बॉबी वत्स हुए शामिल

On The Second Anniversary Of The Antilia Bomb Scare Case A Web Series Is Announced

Antilia Bomb Scare case locked for an OTT ?

‘Bombay Stencil’ announces web series based on ‘CIU Criminals in Uniform’.

This Saturday marks two years since the explosive-laden Scorpio car was found outside Mukesh Ambani’s luxurious residence Antilia. At the same time, Bollywood is also showing a lot of interest in making a sensational and exciting web series on this subject.

Investigative journalists duo Sanjay Singh and Rakesh Trivedi have already written a book titled ‘CIU: Criminals in Uniform’ which has been published by world-renowned publisher HarperCollins. Although the publisher has been claiming it to be a fiction crime thriller, but this seems to be an attempt to avoid the legal issues as there are enough similarities in the case and the story published. With a press releases Harper Collins announced that ‘Bombay Stencil’ a production company has signed an MOU with ‘Harper Collins’ for the audio visual rights of the book, under which they wish to make a crime thriller web series based on ‘CIU: Criminals in Uniform’.

Bombay Stencil, the co-producer of Amitabh Bachchan – Ajay Devgan starter movie ‘Runway 34’ and ‘Khuda Hafiz Chapter 2’, is in final talks with a leading OTT platform regarding this content. Dushyant Singh of Bombay Stencil is also known for being part of the creative team of Barot House (2019), Parchhai: Ghost Stories by Ruskin Bond (2019) and Abhay (2019). Producers Hasnain Hussaini and Dushyant Singh are also in the process of locking a renowned filmmaker for this web series.

The producers said..  “This story is filled with great suspense, full of twists and turns and a fantastic climax. Author’s rich journalistic experience has added great value. We are confident that it has full potential of a web series adaptation. We are excited to take up this project and looking forward to create a stunning show for an OTT platform.”

Author, Sanjay Singh, said “The Marathi & Hindi edition of ‘CIU: Criminals in Uniform’ did exceptionally well among readers. Every review on social media reflected how readers savoured the flavours within the book. The English version by HarperCollins has taken it to larger readership. We are happy with this development related to the web-series.”

Executive Editor, Sachin Sharma, HarperCollins India, said “For a book as gripping and entertaining as CIU, it is organic to be created into a web series. The producers have a task ahead of them in matching this brilliant book with an equally great web series.”

On 25 February 2021, the explosive-laden Scorpio car was found abandoned outside Mukesh Ambani’s luxurious house Antilia followed by the Mansukh Hiran murder case shook the whole country. Maharashtra underwent a political turmoil post this episode that over turned the government later. Earlier National Investigation Agency (NIA) arrested then API Sachin Vaze, former encounter specialist Pradeep Sharma, PI Sunil Mane, PSI Riyazuddin Kazi. This was perhaps one of the  biggest blot on the uniform. Qazi has already turned approver while Mane also wants to become approver. Both Sachin Waze and Pradeep Sharma are in judicial custody. During a recent hearing in the High Court, the court expressed displeasure with NIA’s investigation in this case and asked why the investigating agency is silent on the role of some other suspects in this case?

Even after two years of the incident, NIA has yet not been able to reveal the actual motive behind planting the SUV. And as court highlighted, they are still silent on the sole of some top brass as suspects in this case. Is Sachin Waze really the mastermind or just a pawn in the conspiracy? Amidst all these questions, the web series coming soon on the OTT platform can surely be a story full of thrill and entertainment for the viewers.


On the second anniversary of the Antilia Bomb scare case A web series is announced